25 October 2007

She Will Be Loved:Scrubs

Dr. Cox: Relationships don't work they way they do on television and in the movies. Will they? Won't they? And then they finally do, and they're happy forever. Gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half of the ones who get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now, through all this stuff I have not become a cynic. I haven't. Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate covered candies and, y'know, in some cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care, because I do believe in it. Bottom line: it's couples who are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but the big difference is they don't let it take them down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time. If it's right, and they're real lucky, one of them will say something.

One Amazing Night...

Ok, well as most of you know, I am in EMT school, and being in EMT school, you are required to do a min of 48 hours of actual ride alongs with our local fire depts... Well my first ride along was on June 30, and I was really nervous... I was going to actually be helping real people who were in destress, I was going to be getting a first hand look of my childhood dream in the real world... So get to the station extra early, b/c, in this field, if you're early, you're on time; if you're on time, you're late; and if you're late, you're fired! So there was no way on God's green earth I was going to be late for any of my shifts... So there I am this lil girl in this big fire house, with all these firemen, intimidated beyond belief... and then I meet the crew I will be riding with.... George, JD, and Drew... Three of the funniest, and knowledgable men I have ever met... They were great, especially Drew, there was just something about him... I was drawn to him really, even if he did nickname me "Party Girl"... lol, I guess there are worse things I could be called, right? Well the end of my shift was coming up (8am-8pm; their shift is 8am-8am), and I thought there was a real connection between the two of us, but when the time came to say our good-byes, there was nothing... I was hoping he would've asked for my number, but there were just to many people around, I could tell he wasn't going to... So I left, and didn't expect to see him again... But then again I had another ride at that same station, but I didn't really put two and two together, and didn't expect to see him, yet low and behold, there he was... Just coming off a shift as I was starting mine... looking very handsome in his jumpsuit... lol... So we did our line up, and started to check out the truck, and then some people who just got done with their shift decided to chill in the Rescue truck, and wouldn't you know it... he was one of them... ! So they get done talking, and he leaves, but I can't follow him, we weren't done checking out the truck yet, so there he goes again, just walking away... But little did I know he made a pit stop in the "Study" (the only room the EMT students are technically suppose to be in) and left me a little note: "'Party Girl'!!! If you think you can hang, Dial:" and his number! That just completely made my day... I couldn't stop smiling! So I sent him a text so that he would have my number as well, and he called and accused him of trying to get me trouble, b/c students were supposed to be talking on their cell phones... lol it was cute... lol... So for the next four days we spent many hours on the phone, talking about random nothingness... It was superb... The more we talked, the more I realized just how great he truly is: he's smart, funny, sweet, kind, very handsome, loves his family, loves the outdoors, and his job is to save people's lives.... really now, it doesn't get any better than that! So we made plans for our first real date, Saturday night, July 8th, well actually he made plans, all I had to was be dressed by seven... lol, I was told the details of our rendezvous was top secret ( I love surprises! and I love a guy with a plan even more!) so I like any normal girl would, completely freaked out over what to wear... I washed ever piece of clothing I owned, and still wound up in my lil sister's clothes... lol go figure... So 7pm rolls around, and he pulls up to my house, and just looking so amazing, I can't remember the last time a guy got dressed up to take me out... So I gathered my things, and we headed down to his car, and he opens the car door for me (A ++ ), and there on the passenger seat is....

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They were absolutely gorgeous! I honestly don't think a guy has bought me flowers on our first date... it blew me away!!! Now I was nervous, here is this great, amazing guy, bringing me flowers... I'm pretty sure this is all just a terrible mistake, but I decided to just go with it, finally things are looking up for me...
So we go out to dinner at this little cuban resturant not too far from my house, it was delicious, and the place was very nice... he even got me to try plantines... lol then it was off to yet another undisclosed location... lol D&B, it was great, we had so much fun... he totally kicked my butt in most of the games, but I got him back on a few of them too... lol... but then again he did get a picture of me with some rediculous virtual reality thingy on my head... lol... but now he has something to remember me by... lol... then we ended the night split a triple chocolate cake... oh so yummy! He walked me up to my door and we said our good nights...

Thus the end to the Best 1st Date EVER!


If you're wondering what Everything's Eventual means, its a short story by Stephen King, and in it one of the characters would say "eventual" instead of "awesome"... and I just thought that was pretty "eventual"... lol...

To read more about my very EVENTUAL life click HERE.